Album art: Hearing in color

Nat's cover 'Lifeforce' (The Comet is Coming, Universal Music) has been named 1 of the 10 best covers of 2019 by Rolling Stone Italy.


translatiNG sound to visuals

Not only did Nat start collaging because she was inspired by vintage classic rock covers, but she also has sensory reactions to sounds, a condition that is called synesthesia. It means that she hears music in very specific colors and has physical reactions to it. She uses these impulses unique to every note and piece of music to translate song into visuals.

Nat will employ her unique visceral experience that applies to your specific sound to create a cover, while also partnering with you to understand your vision. Your cover will be a synesthetic translation of your sonic expression.

Nat believes that the right potential listener, whether consciously or subconsciously, will be drawn to your music through a cover created in this way.


Custom-made covers and Cover licensing available, as well as visual brand creation (for those interested in having a continuous visual identity over time).

Sample covers:

Learn more

Get a free consultation and offerings pdf by using the following form. Feel free to inquire about your specific album cover needs here too.